10 Ways to Love your Pelvic Floor without doing Kegels

Your pelvic floor plays an important role in keeping you functional and healthy every day. There are so many simple things you can do to love your pelvic floor, here are just a few:

Deep breathing - let your body fully relax and expand down through your pelvis on the inhale, softly contract as you exhale

Move your body - Your pelvic floor turns on with every movement, so get up and move in any way that feels good to you. I love doing hip circles.

Stop sucking in your gut - Squeezing your abs all day long does not make your core strong, it creates tension in your core and pelvic floor, so LET IT GO!

Sit down on the toilet - do like your mom taught you and put some TP on the seat before you sit so you can fully relax down there as you pee.

Have sex - With a partner or solo, having sex is great for maintaining vaginal tone, especially as we age. Use it or lose it applies to the pelvic floor, too!

Stay hydrated - Dehydration can irritate your bladder and lead to constipation. Drinking plenty of water can help you pee and poo with ease, putting less stress on your pelvic floor.

Practice good posture - The way you hold your body when you stand, sit and move has a big impact on your pelvic health. Aim to keep your head, shoulders, rib cage, pelvis, knees, and ankles in a straight line while standing and avoid sitting on your tailbone.

Exercise with pelvic floor awareness - When you workout watch for the 3 P's or signs that your pelvic floor isn't happy: Passing pee/gas/poo, Pain (back/hip/pelvic), or Pooching in your abs/pelvic floor.

See a Pelvic Floor Physical therapist - If you’re experiencing any one of the 3 P's (see above), get evaluated by a Pelvic Health PT near you.

Learn about pelvic health - Here are some resources to get you started: How Pelvic Floor Affects Overall Health podcast, Healing Pelvic Pain book, and Pelvic Liberation book.


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