Why sit-ups don't make your belly flat

Remember the Presidential Fitness Test? How could anyone forget! I was required to perform this series of fitness exercises every year from middle-school through high school. Pull ups were impossible, but sit-ups were my favorite! Even though I easily passed this challenge every time, I always wondered why my belly didn't look flat. Now I know WHY.

Sit-ups don't target the deep abdominal muscle, transverse abdominis (TVA), that acts like a corset making your tummy flat when it’s toned. The primary muscles used in this exercise are rectus abdominis (six pack), obliques (side abs) and psoas (hip flexors). Strengthening these muscles can make your tummy look toned, but if you want flat abs you need to work on your TVA. Also, a common mistake with sit-ups is pushing your belly out. This extra pressure on your abs can have the opposite effect of what you want.

Empower yourself through action
So what to do instead? Glute bridges, heel taps and bird dogs are all great alternatives as long as you’re activating your TVA when you do them!

I hope you found this helpful. How did you feel about the Presidential Fitness Test? Please share your experience with me. I'd love to hear from you!


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