Hack for low back pain, belly bulge+MORE

It's more important than ever to practice good posture. You already know that sitting up straight is a good thing, but do you know why? When you slouch you:

  • compress your lungs and restrict your breath

  • push your belly out (not very attractive!) and can affect your ability to heal diastasis recti

  • make your pelvic floor short and tight contributing to problems like incontinence, pelvic pain, and prolapse.

  • put pressure on your low back which can cause back pain

For a quick way to look thinner, ease back pain, have a healthy pelvic floor and lift your mood, practice sitting well as much as possible.

Empower yourself through movement
Let's be honest, sitting with good posture is hard! Here are 4 tips to make sitting easier for you:

  • Sit on your sitting bones, not your tailbone.

  • Plant your feet flat on the floor to give your body more support and stamina for long sitting sessions

  • Support your pelvis by sitting on something with a relatively firm surface so you can feel your sitting bones. Avoid sitting on plush chairs or squishy sofas for an extended period of time.

  • Prop up your low back with lumbar support to prevent you from tucking your tail.

Get inspired to take care of yourself

You don't need to sit perfectly all the time, in fact, sometimes it's great to just collapse into a seat and get some rest.

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