Best Exercise for weight loss after 35

Are you struggling with weight loss in your 30s, 40s, or 50s?

You might have been able to drop weight easily in your 20s by cutting calories and hitting the gym more often, but this solution just doesn't cut it after 35. And who has time to spend hours a day working out? Not me!

The trick is to get smarter with your diet and fitness choices to successfully lose weight. Two of the best types of exercise for this purpose are:

Cardio Intervals/High-Intensity Interval Training(HIIT)
Most women I know do steady-state cardio such as biking, walking, or running at a steady pace for an extended period of time. While this form of cardio is great for stamina and endurance, a better choice for weight loss is to do HIIT or cardio intervals. That’s where you pick your favorite form of exercise (running, biking, strength, jump rope) and alternate high-intensity periods (30-45 seconds) of work with lower intensity periods (1-2 minutes) to recover. The best part is that because of the intensity, you only need to do this type of workout for 20-30 minutes to reap the calorie-burning and metabolism-boosting benefits of HIIT. I’m all for exercise that is effective and efficient!

Strength Training
Strength training with bodyweight, resistance, dumbbells, kettlebells or barbells can build muscle which is key for weight loss. After age 30, declining hormone levels cause a gradual loss of muscle mass with each passing year. Lean muscle mass burns calories even at rest, therefore as we experience muscle loss we need to consume fewer calories. That’s one reason of the many reasons why it’s so important to do strength training to maintain or grow our muscles in our 30s and beyond.

Try alternating HIIT and Strength workouts for a few weeks and see how you feel. The number on the scale might not change if you've gained muscle, but you'll probably feel leaner and stronger so don't sweat it!

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